Set in the Land of Fumes, this prosperous magical superpower is home to vast quantities of magical resources lurking underneath the surface. In hopes of advancing their kingdom’s development, artificial life forms known as Homunculi came into being. Regrettably, toxic Fumes drove from the underground the Homunculi to madness, turning them into feral monsters.
You play as Lilac, an “Attuner” who possesses the power to save the Homunculi. Upon waking, you find yourself in a laboratory deep in the underground. There, you will become acquainted with the Homunculi closely involved in the kingdom’s downfall. Together with the Homunculi, set out in search of your lost memories and precious friends in the Land of Fumes. Follow the journey of destruction and rebirth in a post-apocalyptic world, decades after the disastrous Rain of Death.
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